selective photography of green leaf plant

Konservasi Lingkungan

Upaya pelestarian ekosistem dan pengelolaan sampah yang efektif.

A large tree with sprawling branches stands prominently in a garden setting. Various shades of green cover the lush surroundings, with some colorful bins visible near the trunk of the tree. A concrete path winds through the area, bordered by grass and additional foliage, creating a serene and natural environment.
A large tree with sprawling branches stands prominently in a garden setting. Various shades of green cover the lush surroundings, with some colorful bins visible near the trunk of the tree. A concrete path winds through the area, bordered by grass and additional foliage, creating a serene and natural environment.
Penanaman Pohon

Kegiatan penanaman pohon untuk meningkatkan kualitas udara dan lingkungan, serta mendukung keanekaragaman hayati di Bali secara berkelanjutan dan terarah.

A recycling bin is positioned on a forested pathway, surrounded by lush green trees and scattered fallen leaves. The ground is a paved path lined with grass on the edges.
A recycling bin is positioned on a forested pathway, surrounded by lush green trees and scattered fallen leaves. The ground is a paved path lined with grass on the edges.
Edukasi Lingkungan

Program edukasi lingkungan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran komunitas tentang pentingnya pelestarian alam, pengurangan sampah, dan dampak positif bagi ekosistem lokal.


Menampilkan kegiatan pelestarian lingkungan dan edukasi di Bali.

Three colorful waste bins are placed in front of a vibrant garden filled with pink and orange flowering shrubs. The bins have different labels indicating their use for different waste types. The background is lush with greenery and bright flowers, creating a lively contrast.
Three colorful waste bins are placed in front of a vibrant garden filled with pink and orange flowering shrubs. The bins have different labels indicating their use for different waste types. The background is lush with greenery and bright flowers, creating a lively contrast.
A gently sloping hillside is covered with lush green foliage, likely tea plants or similar shrubs. A discarded plastic water bottle rests among the dense greenery, disrupting the natural landscape. In the foreground, part of a tree stump is visible.
A gently sloping hillside is covered with lush green foliage, likely tea plants or similar shrubs. A discarded plastic water bottle rests among the dense greenery, disrupting the natural landscape. In the foreground, part of a tree stump is visible.
A wooden sign attached to a tree with the words 'NO CONTAMINES' written in bold letters, indicating an environmental message. The sign is secured with wire and the tree is surrounded by lush greenery, suggesting a forest or jungle setting.
A wooden sign attached to a tree with the words 'NO CONTAMINES' written in bold letters, indicating an environmental message. The sign is secured with wire and the tree is surrounded by lush greenery, suggesting a forest or jungle setting.
A large tree is wrapped in a transparent protective plastic cover, secured at the base. The background shows an urban environment with buildings and a clear blue sky.
A large tree is wrapped in a transparent protective plastic cover, secured at the base. The background shows an urban environment with buildings and a clear blue sky.
A row of green waste bins is aligned on the edge of a paved area next to a grassy slope. Above the slope, a tall communication tower is visible against a clear blue sky. A small white building with ventilation gratings is situated to the left.
A row of green waste bins is aligned on the edge of a paved area next to a grassy slope. Above the slope, a tall communication tower is visible against a clear blue sky. A small white building with ventilation gratings is situated to the left.

Penanaman Pohon

Bergabunglah dalam kegiatan penanaman pohon di Bali. Setiap pohon yang ditanam adalah langkah nyata untuk memperbaiki ekosistem dan mengurangi dampak sampah. Mari bersama-sama menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan untuk generasi mendatang.

50.000 IDR
A small tree is planted in a circular concrete planter in an outdoor setting. The tree has lush green leaves and is surrounded by a paved area with a low metal fence in the background. The sky is clear and bright blue, indicating a sunny day, and there are rolling hills and trees in the distance.
A small tree is planted in a circular concrete planter in an outdoor setting. The tree has lush green leaves and is surrounded by a paved area with a low metal fence in the background. The sky is clear and bright blue, indicating a sunny day, and there are rolling hills and trees in the distance.
A large tree trunk occupies the foreground on the left side, with a vibrant red rectangular trash bin situated further down the path. The background features lush green foliage and a white fence stretching alongside a paved path under a clear blue sky.
A large tree trunk occupies the foreground on the left side, with a vibrant red rectangular trash bin situated further down the path. The background features lush green foliage and a white fence stretching alongside a paved path under a clear blue sky.

Edukasi Lingkungan

Ikuti sesi edukasi lingkungan yang menarik dan interaktif. Kami akan membahas pentingnya pengelolaan sampah dan cara-cara sederhana untuk menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Dapatkan pengetahuan yang bermanfaat untuk diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

30.000 IDR