Lestari Bumi Sejahtera

Bergabunglah dalam upaya kami untuk menjaga dan memperbaiki ekosistem Bali yang berharga.

white and gray floral textile

Misi Kami: Menjadikan Bali yang Lebih Baik

Kami berkomitmen untuk melestarikan dan memperbaiki ekosistem di Bali melalui pengurangan sampah, penanaman pohon, dan edukasi lingkungan.

red ladybug perched on green plant during daytime

Program Kami

Kami berkomitmen untuk melestarikan lingkungan melalui pengurangan sampah dan penanaman pohon di Bali.

Penanaman Pohon

Kami menyediakan program penaman pohon sebagi bentuk upaya aksi nyata dalam upaya mitigasi perubahan iklim.

Pengelolaan Sampah dan Edukasi Lingkungan

Kami membantu komunitas dalam pengelolaan sampah yang efektif untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih bersih

Proyek Taru Bhumi Lestari

Inisiatif pelestarian lingkungan dan pengelolaan sampah di Bali.

A garden area features a variety of green plants and trees with large leaves. A tree trunk is decorated with flowers made from recycled materials, such as aluminum cans with petals painted in various colors. The ground is covered in gravel and logs are scattered around, contributing to a rustic atmosphere.
A garden area features a variety of green plants and trees with large leaves. A tree trunk is decorated with flowers made from recycled materials, such as aluminum cans with petals painted in various colors. The ground is covered in gravel and logs are scattered around, contributing to a rustic atmosphere.
Edukasi Lingkungan

Meningkatkan kesadaran tentang pentingnya menjaga ekosistem.

Tall trees with dense green foliage create a natural canopy above. Sunlight filters through the leaves, illuminating the scene with patches of light. A sign is visible, featuring a logo and the text 'Ministry of Environment and Forestry'.
Tall trees with dense green foliage create a natural canopy above. Sunlight filters through the leaves, illuminating the scene with patches of light. A sign is visible, featuring a logo and the text 'Ministry of Environment and Forestry'.
A green business waste bin is positioned against a brick wall. The bin is branded with a logo and contact information for a waste management company.
A green business waste bin is positioned against a brick wall. The bin is branded with a logo and contact information for a waste management company.
A set of five wooden recycling bins is situated outdoors on a sandy surface, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin is labeled for different types of waste: organic, cans, plastic, and glass. Above the bins, a wooden shelter provides protection, and there is informational signage with guidance on waste separation.
A set of five wooden recycling bins is situated outdoors on a sandy surface, surrounded by lush green foliage. Each bin is labeled for different types of waste: organic, cans, plastic, and glass. Above the bins, a wooden shelter provides protection, and there is informational signage with guidance on waste separation.
Penanaman Pohon

Kegiatan penanaman pohon untuk memperbaiki ekosistem lokal.

Hubungi Kami

A grassy outdoor area features a large inflatable movie screen with people sitting on blankets to watch an open-air film. In the foreground, three wooden trash bins are labeled for landfill, compostable, and recyclable waste, promoting waste separation and environmental awareness. The environment is surrounded by trees and a relaxed atmosphere is evident.
A grassy outdoor area features a large inflatable movie screen with people sitting on blankets to watch an open-air film. In the foreground, three wooden trash bins are labeled for landfill, compostable, and recyclable waste, promoting waste separation and environmental awareness. The environment is surrounded by trees and a relaxed atmosphere is evident.

Kami siap membantu Anda dalam upaya pelestarian lingkungan. Mari bersama-sama menjaga ekosistem Bali.